
Postura del águila

"Garudasana desarrolla los tobillos, reduce la rigidez en los hombros, fortalece los nervios y los huesos de las piernas y las manos. Estos miembros se elongan durante la asana. Practicando constantemente Garudasana uno puede incrementar la altura. Esta asana fortalece los nervios de los riñones y cura la atrofia de nervios en las manos y las piernas. La columna vertebral se fortalece. Esta asana causa una sensación placentera en todo el cuerpo. " (Hatha yoga)
"The benefit which you can get from this asana is the strengthening and stretching of you ankles and calves. These areas which may be neglected would be treated well by this asana. The stretch would help your thighs, hips, shoulders and upper back. The pull which is created in this asana would help making you more relaxed. So when you are relaxed the level of concentration also improves as you are also keeping a check on your breathing while doing this exercise. There is balance all over your mind body and soul which keeps you always in check for the better things in life." (Efectos de garudasana)

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